Compton Hospice

Our first BE in the Community volunteering day for 2018 took us to Compton Hospice’s superstore in the centre of Wolverhampton. The four members of staff on the day included Andy, Emily, Sarah and I – all geared up ready to assist in any way possible.

Ed Blackwell, manager of Garrick Street, welcomed us and proceeded with a tour of the extensive superstore with all aspects of Compton Hospice being covered.

On the day Emily worked on the till working very well with other volunteers whilst Sarah was on the shop floor keeping all items in order whilst assisting with shoppers. Andy and I helped with the furniture side of the store, generally moving sold items to the collection area and re-arranging existing sale items, allowing for more space on the shop floor.

“At Compton we are lucky to have over 850 volunteers aged from 16 to 90 years old who give up their time to support us, just like yourselves, and as a result this helps us to save over £1million every year in running costs, ensuring that donations go that extra mile. As a result so we are so grateful for your support and hope to welcome you back in the future to find out more about the work of the hospice and how your support helps us.”

Charlotte Lilley
PR & Marketing Officer
Compton Hospice

For more information on how you can volunteer at one of Compton Hospice’s 28 shops or make donations please click on the link below:-