• Three Ridges, Hilton, Bridgnorth - Berriman Eaton
  • Three Ridges, Hilton, Bridgnorth - Berriman Eaton
  • Three Ridges, Hilton, Bridgnorth - Berriman Eaton
  • Three Ridges, Hilton, Bridgnorth - Berriman Eaton
  • Three Ridges, Hilton, Bridgnorth - Berriman Eaton

Three Ridges, Hilton, Bridgnorth

Offers Around £514,500

Property Overview

  • House - detached
  • 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 1 reception room

Full Property Description:

Elevated with views, this quietly situated and substantial detached property stands within this Shropshire hamlet just four miles from the market town of Bridgnorth which benefits from a large private rear garden and double garage.
Bridgnorth - 5 miles, Wombourne - 8 miles, Wolverhampton - 10 miles, Telford - 13 miles, Stourbridge - 12 miles, Kidderminster - 15 miles, Birmingham - 31 miles.
(All distances are approximate).